Tuesday, July 16, 2013

acne light treatmentAcne is notoriously stubborn and difficult to treat. 

Although it can be dismissed as an issue relating to teenage spots, the truth is that acne is the commonest skin condition that people see the GP for.

It affects 4 out of 5 people at some point in their lives and 1 in 5 sufferers will require medical treatment to avoid the risk of scarring which can last a lifetime and have an enduring impact on confidence. Unfortunately, most patients do not seek early treatment, hoping the phase will pass – adolescents generally take a year before they see the doctor.

Award-Winning Acne Treatment

Lustre Pure Light is a device used at home applying pure, blue light to the skin. This is the safe, visible part of the blue light spectrum which kills acne bacterium and promotes healing. It mimics the healing effect of the sun without the harmful UVA/UVB rays.

In a recent clinic trial, the Lustre light was used on a variety of patients aged 16-58 with mild to moderately severe acne.

At week 7 ALL patients had improved skin and at week 12 all had significantly reduced inflammatory lesions and sebum with much clearer skin.

Pure Light Acne Therapy

Lustre Pure Light acne treatment is available in Knightsbridge from Dr Barbara Kubicka.

As an experienced skin doctor, she can also recommend nutritional and lifestyle changes that may also benefit; as well as medication if necessary, specialised skincare products or complementary treatments such as Dermaroller, peels or mesotherapy to boost the condition of the skin and accelerate its recovery.

Clinicbe Knightsbridge

For more information regarding Clinicbe, or to book an appointment with Dr Kubicka, please call 0207 125 0521 or email info@clinicbe.com