Tuesday, March 26, 2013

top tips for better skin Having fresh, youthful and clear looking skin is a vital step to looking good and feeling good. 

Dr Kubicka at Clinicbe offers a range of professional skincare treatments from botox and fillers to dermaroller and mesotherapy.

However, to get the best results, patients are advised to care for their skin at home too, with a daily routine to give the skin what it needs to have the best possible complexion. While professional treatments are extremely effective, they work even better when the skin itself is healthy, nourished and clear.

Dr Kubicka works closely with patients to provide advice on nutrition, lifestyle and daily skincare regimes to achieve the best possible results in terms of skincare.

This new video provides a series of simple tips that can be followed at very little cost, as well as exploring some of the more popular professional treatments.

Skincare Tip Video

Skincare Tips:

  • Beauty starts from within
    • healthy balanced diet
    • nutrients for a healthy glow
    • feed your body, feed your skin
  • Weekly treats
    • a nourishing weekly face mask will help to rehydrate skin
  • Hydration Matters
    • drink plenty, ideally water
    • eat water rich foods – fruit, veg, salad
  • Moisturise
    • morning and evening to nourish and protect the skin
  • Sun Protection
    • even in winter, to keep future wrinkles at bay
  • Cleanliness at night
    • always remova makeup before going to be
    • try a gentle facial wash
  • Exfoliation
    • removing dead skin cells for a healthy glow
    • stimulates new skin growth

Dr Kubicka explains:

“A good regular skincare routine sets a vital foundation for healthy, glowing skin. In addition, I often advise my patients about the benefits of getting sufficient sleep, a healthy diet, exercise and relaxation.  The patient is likely to get the best results from any professional treatment when everything works together.”


Dr Kubicka founded Clinicbe to offer a new holistic approach to skincare treatments; treating the patient as a whole in order to get the best possible results from any treatments they may have. Private consultations include individual advice on nutrition and lifestyle to help tackle skincare issues from within and compliment professional treatments. In addition, Dr Kubicka can prescribe or recommend the most appropriate professional skincare for use at home.

For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation, please contact us:

Tel: 0207 125 0521
Address: Clinicbe®, Knightsbridge, London, SW1X
Email: info@clinicbe.com
Website: www.clinicbe.com