Dermapen Microneedling for Acne & Acne Scarring

Dermapen is a technique which uses the principle of ‘microneedling’ – creating tiny little injuries to the skin with multiple tiny pin pricks. 

The Dermapen device delivers precisely controlled microneedling to penetrate the surface of the skin with a series of tiny marks. The needling is shallow enough to cause very little visible injury, yet the series of tiny little injuries work to kick-start the skin’s healing mechanisms. In addition, the needling creates a series of channels to the skin’s mid layer so that serums or lotions can reach the deeper layers of the skin, which would not normally be possible.

Dermapen for Acne and Acne Scarring

  • Promotes healing
  • Leaves skin healthier and more radiant
  • Stimulates production of collagen and elastin within the skin, making it smoother, firmer and thicker over time

Skin looks fresher within 6 weeks but will continue to improve for 6-12 months.

Dermapen & TCA Peel for Acne

Dermapen microneedling with TCA Peel is an exclusive treatment which Dr Barbara Kubicka has developed specifically for acne sufferers.

This combines the benefits of Dermastamp microneedling together with a chemical peel. The combination of two effective treatments gives a more comprehensive and thorough result, working on improving the skin from the inside (microneedling) as well as the outside (exfoliating chemical peel).

  • Dermapen microneedling creates a series of tiny little pinpricks to stimulate the skin’s own healing and recovery mechanisms from within. The technique triggers the body’s own healing responses and helps to create a healthier skin with new cell generation. Skin looks healthier simply because it is
  • TCA Peel – intense yet gentle exfoliation is very beneficial for acne sufferers. This peel strips away the outer layer of dead skin cells and excess sebum (oiliness) together with removing or killing any remaining bacteria. Professional exfoliation offers a stronger treatment than can be achieved at home and is a very helpful component in acne treatment

ClinicbeAcne offers the combination of Dermastamp with TCA Peel following a strict protocol of treatments. Suitable soothing serums or products are used according to the individual’s needs.

This treatment combination is exclusive to ClinicbeAcne and is suitable for patients 13 and over.


Yes, it’s very safe. This is a non-invasive treatment which involves no injections, lasers or heat.

The Dermapen instrument is sterile and our clinic has very high standards of hygiene to minimise any risk of infection.

  • The skin is thoroughly cleaned and sterilised prior to treatment
  • We offer numbing cream or ice to ensure comfort throughout
  • The Dermapen device focuses on the treatment area, creating a series of tiny channels
  • Finally the appropriate product is applied to the skin where it is absorbed and delivered efficiently through the channels

This depends on the particular issue being treated – whether there is any active acne, inflammation and/or scarring. Options include:

  • The skin will appear red/flushed for 1-2 days after treatment. This shows that it is responding to the treatment and shows the start of the healing/renewal process
  • Wear a high factor mineral-based sun protection to protect your skin. This is advisable year-round to prevent ageing, but essential for 2-4 weeks after treatment while the skin is healing
  • Avoid any active/stimulating skin preparations for a couple of days (i.e. AHA’s, retinol (vitamin A) or anything acidic)
  • A good and suitable daily skincare regime is crucial to help promote and achieve optimum results. We can advise on this
  • You will notice healthier-looking skin within 6 weeks with a more radiant skin tone
  • Skin will continue to improve over 6-12 months