
Gold Standard Thread Vein Removal Treatment

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ThermaVein®is a gentle, yet effective treatment used to remove thread veins.

This treatment offers an instant, safe and permanent treatment for thread veins or spider veins.

Small blue or red veins at the surface of the skin can be a problem for many people. Medically known as ‘telangiectasia’, these small veins are hard to cover with makeup and have an ageing and unhealthy look which can spoil the complexion and be unappealing.

ThermaVein® is a clinically proven method which offers instant and permanent results in removing annoying vein problems.

How Does ThermaVein® Work?

ThermaVein® is a very safe treatment which deploys specially designed technology, using to seal the thread vein walls in a process called ‘Thermocoagulation’. Thermocoagulation works by gently joining the two walls of the vein together.

ThermaVein® is based on a high frequency wave producing a thermal lesion within the vein. A small probe is used, through which a low radiofrequency current of 4Mhz is applied to the skin, changing the consistency of the vein walls so that they stick together and become sealed. Once the veins are sealed, they are gradually re-absorbed by the body’s lymphatic system, leaving the skin clearer than before.

How ThermaVein Works

This method of treatment is very safe due to the very low current used, which means that it does not cause any burns or serious side effects. It is proven effective and relatively painless.

Results Photos

Before & After ThermaVein® Treatment

Thermavein Demonstration Video

See Thread Veins Disappear In Seconds!

ThermaVein® Treatments

ThermaVein® is not just for veins – the machine can also help with other conditions too. ThermaVein® can be used to help:

  • Facial thread veins
  • Milia (small white spots)
  • Skin tags
  • Campbell-de-Morgan spots (red dots or bumps)
  • Ankle thread veins
  • Vascular blemishes
  • Troublesome red veins
  • Blackheads
  • Cherry angiomas/blood spots

Where someone has bigger veins, such as those in the legs, ThermaVein® can be used in conjunction with Sclerotherapy, an injectable treatment which works to destroy larger veins. By targeting smaller thread veins and spider veins, ThermaVein® provides a more comprehensive result, leaving the skin clearer and calmer-looking.


ThermaVein® uses heat to destroy the veins. There are no chemicals involved, no injections and no incisions.  A very low current of 4MHz is used during treatment.  The low current and the fact that ThermaVein® does not treat the blood means ThermaVein® is very safe for patients.

The practitioner introduces a fine needle equipped with a polarisation light system over the vein. In most cases the vein literally disappears instantly.

Treatment time usually ranges from 15-30 minutes depending on the size of the area requiring treatment.

The sensation can be compared to a small pinch or a needle prick and is over very quickly.

There will be some redness and swelling present in the area treated. However, this will subside usually over 1-2 hours after treatment.

There is no bandaging or dressings required.

No, your skin will be clear.

Aloe vera gel followed by SPF 30 or higher will be applied to the skin immediately after treatment.

Avoid direct exposure to sun for 1-2 weeks, whilst continuing to apply spf 30 or higher, daily.

Tiny micro-crusts may be present as the skin is healing but this usually resolves within 1 week after the treatment.

Treatment on the face can be repeated after 4 weeks and treatments on the body after 6 weeks if needed.

Yes – unlike laser or IPL, there are no restrictions on sun exposure after treatment.

However, as a general note, always remember to use a high SPF when you go outdoors, as the sun is the primary cause of skin cancer as well as causing skin ageing.

Yes – unlike IPL and Laser treatment, ThermaVein® thread vein removal can be used for any kind of skin complexion. It is also suitable for sensitive skin.

ThermaVein® was specifically designed for thread vein removal. It is instant, safe and permanent.

What’s more, unlike IPL and Lasers, ThermaVein® cannot cause loss of pigmentation. It can be used for any kind of skin complexion and is also suitable for sensitive skin.

See our Price List for the latest information.

ThermaVein® sessions are normally carried out by our Medical Therapists. However, Clinicbe founder Dr Barbara Kubicka has ensured high medical standards throughout, whatever procedure you choose.