Menopause & Perimenopause

Navigating the Crossroads: Menopause, Perimenopause, and Finding Relief with a Specialist

Menopause, a natural transition marking the end of menstruation, arrives for women around 51 years old. However, the journey begins much earlier, in the winding road of perimenopause. This phase, often starting in the late 30s or early 40s, throws the hormonal landscape into an exciting yet unpredictable dance. It can be a long process with a wide variety of symptoms and experiences.

Understanding perimenopause and the menopause and how they may impact on your well-being is crucial. Seeking the guidance of a specialist doctor can make all the difference.

Perimenopause/Menopause – What to Expect

Perimenopause is a roller coaster of oestrogen levels, playing havoc with your physical and emotional health. Hot flushes, night sweats, and sleep disturbances become unwelcome companions. Mood swings, brain fog, and anxiety add to the mix, while vaginal dryness and decreased libido leave you feeling disconnected from your body. It’s a confusing time, riddled with questions and a yearning for some semblance of control.

A specialist private doctor can devote the necessary time to understand your personal situation. Their expertise is there to delve deeper than just symptoms. They’ll listen to your story, understand your concerns, and conduct comprehensive examinations to determine the best course of action. Blood tests to map your hormonal fluctuations, bone density scans to assess osteoporosis risk, and pelvic exams to address dryness are all part of their toolkit.

Perimenopause & Menopause Doctor, London

Dr NosDr Olga Nos specialises in gynaecology and is passionate about supporting women through the perimenopause and menopause journey.

Her career began in Oncological Gynaecology in 1998, gaining valuable medical and surgical experience. She now offers a host of non-surgical treatments for vaginal rejuvenation as well as perimenopause/menopause treatments which are tailored to each individual’s very unique requirements.

Treatment Options: Tailored Solutions for Your Journey

With a clear picture, the specialist doctor can guide you through a personalised treatment plan.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) remains the gold standard for managing many menopausal symptoms. Oestrogen, administered in various forms like pills, patches, or creams, can effectively alleviate hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. However, its suitability depends on individual factors like medical history and family risk of certain cancers.

But HRT isn’t the only hero. For women who prefer a non-hormonal approach, alternative options abound. Antidepressants can help manage mood swings and anxiety, while lubricants and moisturisers address vaginal dryness. Lifestyle modifications like stress management, regular exercise, and a healthy diet are crucial allies in enhancing your overall well-being during this transition.

Beyond Pills and Procedures: Embracing the Change with Support

Remember, menopause is not a disease, but a natural part of life. The specialist doctor plays a vital role in empowering you to navigate this change with knowledge, confidence, and the right tools. But their support extends beyond medications and prescriptions. They understand the emotional and social aspects of menopause, offering guidance on communication with partners and family, and addressing concerns about body image and identity.

Ultimately, your journey through menopause and perimenopause is unique. With the right specialist doctor by your side, you can transform this transition from a daunting unknown into a chance for positive change, self-discovery, and renewed well-being. So, embrace the support, celebrate the strength within, and step confidently into the next chapter of your life.


This service is provided by Dr Olga Nos, who has additional training and qualifications in this area.

For your further reassurance, Clinicbe founder Dr Barbara Kubicka oversees all treatment areas and has ensured high medical standards throughout, whatever procedure you choose.