Preparing for Treatment

General Guidelines

  1. Arrive to the clinic with minimum or no make-up

Injectable treatments

  1. Arrive to the clinic with minimum or no make-up
  2. Avoid anti-inflammatory pain killers (ibuprofen, aspirin) one week before any injectable treatment
  3. No fish oils, Vitamin E or Garlic supplement one week before any injectable treatments
  4. No alcohol the night before any injectable treatments


  1. No self-tan a week before an IPL treatment
  2. No sun exposure for two weeks before an IPL treatment
  3. Stop use of any Retinol based products one week before treatment


  1. Arrive with no make-up, a cleansed face and NO moisturiser


  1. Wash your hair and do not add any hair products the night or morning before treatment

Chemical Peels

  1. Stop the use of any retinol or HA products one week before a chemical peel


  1. Drink plenty of water before a PRP treatment
  2. Always eat something before any injectable treatments or blood collection (PRP)