Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Clinicbe london

Clinicbe® has had excellent results from its first CQC inspection.

In the inspection on 12th December 2017, which was published 9th January 2018, Clinicbe® had a positive report for each of the categories assessed

CQC Report 2017

The CQC assess the same five key points for all the services inspected. Clinicbe®’s results were excellent throughout:

  1. Are services safe?
    The CQC found that Clinicbe® was providing safe care in accordance with the relevant regulations.
    This means that clients can be confident that they are protected from abuse and avoidable harm.
  2. Are services effective?
    The CQC found that that Clinicbe® was providing effective care in accordance with the relevant regulations.
    This means that patient care, treatment and support achieve good outcomes.
  3. Are services caring?
    The CQC found that that Clinicbe® was providing caring services in accordance with the relevant regulations.
    This means that staff involve and treat patients with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
  4. Are services responsive?
    The CQC found that that Clinicbe® was providing responsive care in accordance with the relevant regulations.
    This means that services are organised so that they meet clients’ needs.
  5. Are services well-led?
    The CQC found that that Clinicbe® was providing well-led care in accordance with the relevant regulations.
    This means that the leadership, management and governance of the organisation make sure it’s providing high-quality care that’s based around individual needs.

CQC Status

Clinicbe®’s current CQC status is shown below in information drawn directly from the CQC:

CQC Registration

Clinicbe® has chosen to voluntarily registered with the CQC, which means that the clinic has to be regularly audited to ensure that the Care Quality Commission’s high standards for service and protocols are being met. 

The clinic is registered as Doctors/GPs under type of service in the Local Authority of Kensington & Chelsea.

The decision to register with the CQC is one that demands ongoing high standards and many clinics and salons prefer not to be held to account in this way. However, for patients, it is very reassuring to be able to review  CQC reports and understand the standards that have to be met. As Clinicbe® has always been committed to providing the highest levels of service and satisfaction, the CQC registration was a natural decision. 

Clinicbe London

Dr Kubicka established Clinicbe as a unique integrated skin and healthcare concept based in the Knightsbridge area of London.

Popular aesthetic treatments include wrinkle-relaxing injections and facial fillers as well as mesotherapy and Dermapen.

The clinic also has the latest pain-free mesotherapy injection system, PRP and new PDO threads.

For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation, please contact us on 0207 125 0521 or email info@clinicbe.com

Excellent CQC Inspection Results for Clinicbe
Article Name
Excellent CQC Inspection Results for Clinicbe
Clinicbe® has had excellent results from its first CQC inspection with positive results for care, effectiveness, safety, responsiveness and leadership. Registration is voluntary for non-surgical treatment providers but requires high standards.