Wednesday, August 4, 2021

mesotherapy botox MesoBeMesoBe is an exclusive treatment which combines the power of anti-ageing BOTOX® wrinkle relaxing treatment with the multiple tiny injections approach of mesotherapy.

This treatment may also be described as mesobotox or microbotox.

The MesoBe approach is exclusively available at Clinicbe in Knightsbridge and offers a new way of delivering BOTOX anti-ageing treatment.

Rather than a few quick injections to stun muscles in a few key areas, MesoBe treatment takes more of a mesotherapy approach, which is a sprinkling of miniscule injections over a wider area.


BOTOX® and Mesotherapy

BOTOX remains one of the most widely embraced cosmetic procedures of all time and is the world’s most popular non-surgical treatment. However, following media exposure of celebrities who might have over-indulged, more patients are keen to take a more cautious approach using smaller amounts of product and greater practitioner skill for a really natural but fresh look.

The MesoBe approach distributes the botulinum toxin further, only administering a tiny amount each time, so that no area is ‘frozen’. Each injection involves miniscule amounts of product, but the mesotherapy approach means that many more injections are delivered, each delivering a light anti-ageing result where it is placed. Treatment takes in a wide area rather than a few larger quick injections, which may be the case in more traditional BOTOX treatments.

The result of this gentler approach to product distribution is a soft, natural yet effective result. Clients see more of a generalised result for a smoother and more natural finish.

As well as delivering potent wrinkle-relaxing treatment, another benefit of mesotherapy is the physical interruption of the skin using a needle. This minute ‘wound’ triggers the skin’s healing responses; with cell renewal and collagen production.

Mesotherapy alone is very powerful, causing the skin to tighten through rejuvenation of skin cells. Combining it with BOTOX gives a significant additional impact.

MesoBe was developed by Dr Barbara Kubicka, Aesthetic Physician and is exclusively available at her own skin treatment centre, Clinicbe® in the Knightsbridge area of London. It is the ideal choice for clients who may be concerned about looking overdone, frozen or fake.

More information about MesoBe.


Skin Treatments, London

Clinicbe® in London was founded by experienced Aesthetic Physician Dr Barbara Kubicka MD, CIME/ICAM, MBCAM; a renowned Aesthetic Physician based in West London.

Dr Kubicka takes a holistic approach to skincare treatments; treating the patient as a whole in order to get the best possible results from any treatments they may have.

The clinic is based in the Knightsbridge area, easily accessible from and popular with those living or working in Chelsea and Mayfair.

For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation, please contact us on 0207 125 0521 or email

MesoBe - Exclusive MesoBotox Treatment | Clinicbe London
Article Name
MesoBe - Exclusive MesoBotox Treatment | Clinicbe London
MesoBe is an exclusive treatment which combines the power of anti-ageing BOTOX® wrinkle relaxing treatment with the multiple tiny injections of mesotherapy.