Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Dermatology Statistics 

acneStatistics published in the British Journal of Dermatology show the surprising extent of acne. 

Acne is estimated to affect 9.4% of the global population – nearly 1 in 10. That means that it affects approximately 650 million people around the world.

The rate of acne occurrence is such that it is the 8th most prevalent disease worldwide.

While acne cannot be considered life-threatening, it can certainly affect a person’s quality of life. Issues for acne sufferers include self-esteem and confidence issues; as well as sometimes having to deal with real negativity from other people due to the appearance of their skin.

Acne is not just a Western disease, although it is common in Western cultures. Acne affects nearly 90% of people in Western societies during their teenage years. For some it will then disappear as they progress into adulthood, but some patients find that the condition continues. Sometimes it can even start in adulthood. Factors making the West more likely to have acne include diet, lifestyle and stress.

Acne may be common but it is not something that people have to put up with. Indeed, early treatment leads to the best long term outcome. Left untreated, acne can cause long-term skin damage, including scarring and pigmentation problems. But getting on top of acne with the right treatment plan can minimise the long term impact – physical and emotional – of the skin condition.


ClinicbeAcne is a specialist skincare centre based in Knightsbridge, London – easily accessible from Chelsea, Belgravia, Mayfair and Kensington. We are fully registered for treating patients from the age of 13+, but many of our patients are adults who struggle with acne and related issues on a daily basis. The clinic takes a holistic approach to treating acne, offering a host of treatments in clinic and at home, together with vital advice on nutrition and lifestyle factors for best results.

ClinicbeAcne is based at Clinicbe® in London, which was founded by experienced Aesthetic Physician Dr Barbara Kubicka MD, CIME/ICAM, MBCAM; a renowned Aesthetic Physician who

To learn more or book an appointment, please contact our team:

Acne Estimated to Affect 9.4% Worldwide
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Acne Estimated to Affect 9.4% Worldwide
Statistics show acne is estimated to affect 9.4% of the global population, nearly 1 in 10, 645 million people. It is the 8th most prevalent disease worldwide.